Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crazy Days

08.05.2011 Crazy Days

Blimey, hadn’t realised it was a full month since I last posted a blog. Oops, I believe that is terribly bad etiquette in the blogging world and a sure-fire way of losing readers. Seeing as mine are mostly family, it probably isn’t that easy!

In any case our days are getting crazy busy, even without a job for me (though I am on the way to being gainfully employed, more of which later). Take yesterday for example, when the day started with the Aladdin rehearsal at ISY. The show is next week so it was technically a dress rehearsal but unfortunately I couldn’t stay as I had Alfie with me and much as he liked being on stage with the dancing girls, he wasn’t so excited by Widow Twankey and the Ring Slaves (though they do have lovely shiny costumes). So on we went to the American Club for their Americana Country Fair. Which was heaps of fun, especially as we arrived in time for the dog show and one old gent let Alfie feed his lovely, first-prize-winning dog a biscuit. We’d just missed the American Pie contest but were in time to eat the results; pecan pie, chocolate pecan pie and cherry pie, YUM! Or ‘gek’ as Alfie calls it, everything sweet being cake. Except ‘doklat bidkids’ (chocolate biscuits) of course.

We played some fair type games, watched the older boys throw a ball to hit a switch to roll another ball over some plumbing pipes to hit a bit of wood and a counterweight and tip the bucket of water over the Marine soldier sitting underneath. OK, Alfie watched the ball and mummy watched the Marines, though not in uniform sadly.

And the whole getting soaked thing kinda lost its appeal after the rain started. And wow, did it rain! Having ducked under shelter to eat our burgers, corn and slaw, Alfie decided he may as well enjoy the weather and kept most of the crowd entertained by getting absolutely soaked whilst splashing in every puddle he could find (the event took place on the baseball/softball pitch). As if the rain wasn’t wet enough he also found a sprinkler system to stand under, much to everyone’s amusement. He fell face first in the mud a few times but no matter. Mummy too got pretty drenched running around after him and we left a pretty wet taxi behind when we finally got home. Still, lots of fun!

Then Daddy got back from Nay Pi Daw and we barely had time to draw breath before our neighbours invited us round to sample their mojito making skills. Yum again.

And finally, by early evening, I found myself sitting in a basement downtown listening to a string quartet playing some beautiful Mozart, Vivaldi and more modern classics. All led by the music teacher, and my new work colleague, at the Institute for Holistic Learning.

And that was a Saturday, normally a day to take it easy!

It does seem that as we passed the three month mark, all sorts of things clicked into place including our social life and activities. Plus I decided that I need to exercise every day and with such a variety of relatively cheap activities within my reach, now juggle pilates with horse riding and golf lessons. I’d love to do yoga but don’t know when to fit it in! And with three playgroups and a visit to the old folks home every week, it does rather mean that blogging and keeping up with emails home take a back seat. I am not even sure how I am going to fit in a part time job, I mean, how do people find the time?

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